We like to think of St David's as a community, where parents and teachers work together to foster our children’s growth, education, and development.


We have an open door policy and encourage parents to become active members of our preschool community.

Additionally, to accommodate the schedule of busy parents, we offer programs that extend the school day such as Lunch Bunch and Enrichment classes.


As a parent volunteer, you provide a vital service to the smooth running of our school, and in turn, volunteering provides you with a chance to get to know the school, our teachers, and your child in his or her new role as a grown-up preschooler! A variety of volunteer opportunities are offered enabling parents to be involved as their time permits. You will be contacted by the volunteer coordinator about opportunities in the fall. We encourage you to get involved and sign up to help.

Volunteer opportunities include:

  • Room Parent

  • School Photographer

  • Bulletin Board Design

  • Assisting with celebrations at school

  • Visiting your child's classroom to talk about your occupation

  • Planning/helping with our annual fundraiser, A Midwinter's Affair

There is truly something for everyone at St David's and there will be many opportunities to volunteer your time or services. Board members will be available at both New Parent Orientation and Opening Coffee to provide more detailed information on volunteer roles.


St David's is overseen by an active Parent Board whose members hold terms for two or three school years. The board, along with St David's Director, share the many responsibilities required to keep our school running smoothly and our teachers focused on what matters -- their students! We depend on our Parent Board and encourage you to join when applications become available in January.